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Hillside Infant School

Hillside Infant School

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Welcome to our Governors’ section.



A message from our Governing Body:


Welcome to the Governors page of the Hillside Infants School website. 


The governors of this school want every child who comes here to have the best educational start possible. It is in the family and in the infants school that the foundations for all future learning are laid. Parents have an extremely important role to play and the staff in the school will want to learn about your child and to hear how best they can support and enable them to learn. Your child’s progress will be dependent upon this cooperation.


The school staff team, teachers and support staff, the Governing Body and parents need to give young children consistent care and reinforce behaviours which allow them and others to learn. Your child’s health and happiness are important to us all.


The Governing Body wants every child to feel secure and able to learn. Our role is to support the Head teacher, leadership team and staff to create an environment where this can happen. The school has an open door policy and the Head teacher, staff and governors are available to discuss any concerns you may have.


Thank you for entrusting your child to our care. We will do our best to ensure that they enjoy school and make excellent progress.


 The Governors 

The Instrument of Government states that the Governing Body shall consist of the following:

4 Parent Governors, LA Governor, Headteacher, Staff Governor, 3 Partnership, 1 Associate and 4 Co-Opted Governors.

The Governing Body of Hillside Infant School is committed to assist the Headteacher and all staff in providing a safe, happy and all inclusive environment in which to deliver the best possible education for our children.

To assist with our aims, school links have been established between Governors and Staff. 

The Governing Body operates the following sub-committees;-

  • Finance and Premises.
  • Personnel and Pay. 
  • Curriculum. 


Safeguarding, SEND and Pupil Premium are also monitored by the governing body. 


Please note the approved minutes of governing body meetings are available, upon request, from the school office.




Name Category of Governor Elected By Date of Office Appointed Term of Office Expires Committee Membership Register of Interests 
Mrs Rebecca FennellEx Officio -01/09/2016N/AAll Committees 

Mrs Anne Porcheron - Chair of the Governing Body 

Partnership Governing Body 12/09/201711/09/2025

Chair of Finance and Premises Committee, Acting Chair of 

Curriculum Committee 

Pupil Premium Link Governor 

SEND Governor 

Employed by Kaplan Financial as a Tutor. 

Trustee of Girl Guiding NW Middlesex. 

Governor of Hillside Junior School. 

Mrs Joy Mason Partnership Governing Body 21/09/201920/09/2027Chair of Personnel and Pay Committee 

Self Employed - Home School Tutoring. 

Magistrate adult bench West London. 

Governor of Hillside Junior School. 

Mrs Jo Palmer Co-Opted Governing Body 01/09/202231/08/2026Personnel and Pay Committee 

Employed by Newnham Junior School. 

Chair of Hillingdon Governors Executive Committee. 

Admin Network for LBH. 

Fellow of ISBL. 

Governor of Hillside Junior. 

Mr Paul Salter - Vice Chair Co-Opted Governing Body 01/09/201707/09/2025

Safeguarding Governor

Finance and Premises Committee 

Operations Director, Marsworth Computing. 
Ms Laura Peters StaffStaff21/09/202221/09/2026

Curriculum Committee


Gemma Thomas



Parents16/12/202215/12/2026Curriculum Committee 
Mrs Anabela Hansen



Mr Richard BennettParent GovernorParents02/10/202301/10/2027  
Vacant Partnership Governor      
Vacant Co-opted Governor      
Vacant Parent Governor     

