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Hillside Infant School

Hillside Infant School

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Handwriting is the physical act of forming letters and writing is the composition of reports, stories, recounts, lists, instructions and letters. The importance of good motor skills for writing is recognised in the EYFS curriculum and further developed throughout school by following a school script for consistency. 



  • To provide a stimulating curriculum, that encourages children to write for pleasure. We believe children develop their skills best when provided with opportunities for writing that are relevant, interesting and purposeful.
  • To prepare children for the next stage in their education and develop skills for adult life. 
  • To develop opportunities for writing throughout the curriculum and in different settings.
  • To introduce correct grammatical structure and ambitious vocabulary.



We use ‘letterjoin’ handwriting policy from Nursery to year 2. Displays around the school and teacher scribe uses the correct stage of script.

The progression of skills, stages and expectations around formation of letters is understood by all staff and shared with all families. Children have a copy of the letter formation sheet in their homework packs at the beginning of the year.  Gross and fine motor skills are developed through PE and the EYFS curriculum.  Ideas are shared with parents to help support children's gross and fine motor skills. 



At Hillside Infant school writing is developed through a clear programme and progression of specific genres and key authors covered  throughout the academic year. Writing for pleasure is actively promoted and encouraged through continuous provision within the EYFS curriculum with writing opportunities setup within all independent learning areas.  Teachers plan,model and scaffold writing opportunities using the genres outlined. Talk4writing units are taught each term as well as a wider range of purposeful writing opportunities linked to topics and curriculum subjects using the content within the foundation subjects. 


Parents as partners

Each year we deliver workshops to help support parents on all aspects of  writing. Parents are invited to observe shared writing sessions as part of our  ‘learn together mornings’.  


We celebrate and recognise hard work and progress of written work that has taken effort and care and this is celebrated during achievement assemblies with certificates. 


We provide Home learning opportunities that link to personal interests.
