Reading is a core element of the curriculum and is one of the most important life skills that we teach. Reading comprises of many skills which need to be taught systematically.
- To ensure children develop a life-long love for reading.
- To teach reading through systematic teaching of synthetic phonics.
- To ensure that children read and respond to a variety of texts whilst developing an increased level of fluency and independence.
- To develop a range of reading strategies that enable children to approach reading with confidence and resilience.
- To embed the teaching of reading and phonics into the whole school curriculum.
- To help children to understand the meaning of what they read and what is read to them.
- To help children make responses to what they read justifying those responses.
Each year group study a key author and learn about their key author throughout the academic year. They use the books by their key author to support their termly topics.
Nursery | Eric Carle |
Reception | Julia Donaldson |
Year 1 | Nick Butterworth |
Year 2 | Roald Dahl |
Reading Schemes
We use a range of reading of scheme books within our school school including Oxford Reading Tree, Big Cat Phonics, Rocket Phonics, Comet Street Kids, Bug Club and Project X in school. These books closely match our Validated Twinkl Phonics Scheme.
Children begin to develop their reading skills and love of reading in Nursery.
In Nursery, children have daily opportunities to choose books during independent learning time. Books are shared during key worker groups and children are encouraged to retell and read stories from memory. They use Talk4writing and Box Clever strategies to support this. This helps children to develop story language. The children take home a library book each week to share with their family.
Children have daily Whole Class Shared Reading sessions where a story is shared. During these sessions the children will learn new vocabulary, learn about characters, the setting and answer questions relating to the text. These sessions also provide opportunities for children to showcase their understanding of texts and provide evidence of their learning.
Children read one to one with an adult at least once a week. This is where they are taught a range of strategies for reading including learning to read with fluency and expression. The books read are matched to the children’s phonic ability. They take two reading books home once a week linked to their reading and phonics ability and determined by their teacher. Children have daily opportunities to choose books during independent learning time. The children visit the school library once a week and take one book home to enjoy with their family.
Key Stage 1
Children have daily Whole Class Reading lessons where they have opportunities to listen and respond to a wide range of texts including, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, chapter books. During these sessions children answer questions relating to VIPERS that develop their comprehension skills and vocabulary. These sessions also provide opportunities for children to showcase their understanding of texts and provide evidence of their learning.
Children read one to one with an adult at least once a week. This is where they are taught a range of strategies for reading including learning to read with fluency and expression. The books read are matched to the children’s phonic ability. They take two reading books home once a week linked to their reading and phonics ability and determined by their teacher. Children have a daily opportunity to ‘read for pleasure’. This is dedicated time for them to read their own books, comics, newspapers or share books with friends. The children visit the school library once a week and take one book home to enjoy with their family.
In every year group teachers read books from a variety of genres to their class daily. Book corners in each classroom are welcoming and have a range of genres for children to choose from.
Parents as partners
Each year we deliver workshops to help support parents with reading and phonics at home. Parents are invited in every other week to listen to a class story. This gives parents the opportunity to watch the teacher model good reading strategies and to promote reading for pleasure.
Links with the community
All children visit Northwood Hills Library each half term to hear stories and learn about the library. Volunteer readers read with a range of children in Key stage one each week to support the children to develop their reading skills.