All staff working in schools have a duty to provide a safe and secure environment in which children can learn.
At Hillside Infant School we provide this environment by:
- Ensuring that every child is aware of his/her right to be safe.
- Ensuring that the staff responsible for safeguarding receive appropriate training and that this training is updated regularly.
- Ensuring that we follow the statutory guidance in the DFE publication “Keeping Children Safe in Education”.
- Ensuring that we follow the recommendations in the document entitled “Guidance for Safer Working Practices”.
- Following Safer Recruitment guidelines when appointing staff.
- Providing safeguarding training as part of induction for all staff.
- Ensuring that all relevant checks are carried out on all adults who have contact with children.
- Providing safeguarding training for all staff every year.
- Ensuring that all staff have carried out online Prevent training.
Important Documents Relevant to Safeguarding:
Keeping Children Safe in Education (DFE,September 2020) Updated September 2023
Guidance for Safer Working Practices (Safer Recruitment Consortium, September 2018)
Hillside Infant School Child Protection Policy
Hillside Infant School Prevent Policy
Hillside Infant School Whistle Blowing Policy