All staff working in schools have a duty to provide a safe and secure environment in which children can learn.
At Hillside Infant School we provide this environment by:
- Ensuring that every child is aware of his/her right to be safe.
- Ensuring that the staff responsible for safeguarding receive appropriate training and that this training is updated regularly.
- Ensuring that we follow the statutory guidance in the DFE publication “Keeping Children Safe in Education”.
- Ensuring that we follow the recommendations in the document entitled “Guidance for Safer Working Practices”.
- Following Safer Recruitment guidelines when appointing staff.
- Providing safeguarding training as part of induction for all staff.
- Ensuring that all relevant checks are carried out on all adults who have contact with children.
- Providing safeguarding training for all staff every year.
- Ensuring that all staff have carried out online Prevent training.
Important Documents Relevant to Safeguarding:
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Guidance for Safer Working Practices
Hillside Infant School Child Protection Policy
Hillside Infant School Prevent Policy
Hillside Infant School Whistle Blowing Policy