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Hillside Infant School

Hillside Infant School

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Information for Prospective Parents

Visit Hillside Infant School

We welcome parents/carers and children to visit our school on a regular basis for either individual tours or to visit during our Open mornings.  Open mornings take place during the Autumn term.  Tours are carried out during the school day by a member of our Senior Leadership team.  


If you would like to come and see Hillside Infant School in action please contact the school office to book a tour or to book in for our open morning- 020 8249 6860 or email - 


How to apply?

Nursery and In year admissions for all year groups are completed through our School Office by filling in our admissions form.


Reception places for September each year must be applied for online using your local authority website. 

If you live in Hillingdon please click the link below:

    Nursery Full Time Provision

    We are pleased to be able to offer 35 hour places for our Nursery children subject to parents being able to provide the required 11 digit code. Where a code is not available families can take up a full day place, but must pay the cost of 20 hours per week. More information is available in the document below. Alternatively please call the school office on 020 8429 6860.
