History gives a unique sense of our place in time, evidence of progress and different perspectives on the same events. A study of history can support the ability to evaluate the validity of sources. History is split into five categories; Chronological Understanding, Knowledge & Understanding, Historical Enquiry, Key Knowledge & Skills and Vocabulary. These themes run through all year groups and build in difficulty over time.
- To enable children to talk about past and present events in their lives and the lives of others.
- To see the impact of change by discussing similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things.
- To have knowledge of significant historical events, notable people and places both within their own locality and beyond.
- To be able to place events in a chronological order and to have a sense of what we know to be true as opposed to information that has been deduced or reported.
All children are given the opportunity to develop chronological understanding, knowledge and understanding, historical enquiry, key knowledge and skills and historical vocabulary.
All children are encouraged to ask their own questions and be given opportunities to implement their knowledge and show their understanding. Children are encouraged to explore questioning, knowing that questions can be answered and explained in different contexts.
Hands-on, tactile experiences and resources allow the children to observe closely, ask questions, and place themselves into the situation or time being taught. Learning based around a hook- whether that be an exciting school trip, visit from a drama group or an amazing artifact, allows children at Hillside Infant School to grasp a deeper understanding of the theme being taught. Planning involves teachers creating engaging lessons, using suitable resources to motivate and inspire pupils to support understanding. Looking at historical events from different perspectives allows the children to offer meaningful questions and to imagine themselves if they were living in the time or place being studied.